Losses of the Russian army as of today amounted to more than 5.3 thousand people killed and wounded

Losses of the Russian army as of today amounted to more than 5.3 thousand people killed and wounded

Losses of the Russian army since the beginning of the aggression amounted to more than 5.3 thousand people killed and wounded, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said.


"For 4 days the losses of Russian occupants in killed and wounded amounted to more than 5.3 thousand people. Hundreds of soldiers and officers of the enemy ended up in our captivity," he wrote on his Facebook page.


Losses of the Russian army since the beginning of the aggression amounted to more than 5.3 thousand people killed and wounded, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said.


"For 4 days the losses of Russian occupants in killed and wounded amounted to more than 5.3 thousand people. Hundreds of soldiers and officers of the enemy ended up in our captivity," he wrote on his Facebook page.


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