Bloomberg: 14 Bulgarian Su-25 aircraft are in Ukraine

Bloomberg: 14 Bulgarian Su-25 aircraft are in Ukraine

They were bought by NATO countries and transferred to Kyiv, claims the Dutch analytical project Oryx.


 NATO countries purchased 14 Soviet-made Su-25 attack aircraft from Bulgaria and handed them over to Ukraine. This is reported by Bloomberg with reference to the Dutch analytical project Oryx, which is managed by a former military man.


 The publication "Bloomberg" does not refer to the direct supply of weapons from Bulgaria to Ukraine, but to those sold to other countries, which were later transferred to Kyiv.


 Similar information appeared in May this year: then the Polish website reported that Ukraine had received 14 Su-25 fighter jets from one of its eastern partners. The site referred to the Ukrainian NEXTA. The publication also reported that eight of them were recently repaired at the Belarusian aircraft factories in Baranovichi. The data then coincided with the information of the Foreign Policy correspondent that Ukraine received Su-25 attack aircraft from the West in the form of spare parts. For transportation, combat aircraft were previously disassembled in Eastern Europe. NEXTA, for its part, said that the only NATO country that still has the Su-25 is Bulgaria. At that time, the press center of the Ministry of Defense categorically denied that the planes sent were Bulgarian.


 "The Ministry of Defense did not sell and/or provide NATO countries with Su-25 aircraft intended for Ukraine," - this is the answer "Schodennyk" now received to a request for confirmation and to the question of whether there were purchases of such combat aircraft from the countries in 2022 Alliance and if so, how many and to which countries. "I don't have such information, sorry, I'm hearing from you for the first time," said Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Mykola Milkov in response to a request to comment on the situation during a briefing with Hungary's first diplomat Peter Szijarto.


 The Oryx website mentions 14 Su-25 aircraft "purchased by Bulgaria from NATO member states and delivered to Ukraine." April 2022 is indicated as the time of the agreement. The Su-25 was handed over by another Balkan country, and in August by North Macedonia.


 Bulgaria, according to the same publication, purchased an undisclosed number of D-20 152mm howitzers (April 2022), BM-21 Grad rocket launchers (May or June 2022), also from the Czech Republic, and unknown number of T-72M1 tanks in May or June.

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They were bought by NATO countries and transferred to Kyiv, claims the Dutch analytical project Oryx.


 NATO countries purchased 14 Soviet-made Su-25 attack aircraft from Bulgaria and handed them over to Ukraine. This is reported by Bloomberg with reference to the Dutch analytical project Oryx, which is managed by a former military man.


 The publication "Bloomberg" does not refer to the direct supply of weapons from Bulgaria to Ukraine, but to those sold to other countries, which were later transferred to Kyiv.


 Similar information appeared in May this year: then the Polish website reported that Ukraine had received 14 Su-25 fighter jets from one of its eastern partners. The site referred to the Ukrainian NEXTA. The publication also reported that eight of them were recently repaired at the Belarusian aircraft factories in Baranovichi. The data then coincided with the information of the Foreign Policy correspondent that Ukraine received Su-25 attack aircraft from the West in the form of spare parts. For transportation, combat aircraft were previously disassembled in Eastern Europe. NEXTA, for its part, said that the only NATO country that still has the Su-25 is Bulgaria. At that time, the press center of the Ministry of Defense categorically denied that the planes sent were Bulgarian.


 "The Ministry of Defense did not sell and/or provide NATO countries with Su-25 aircraft intended for Ukraine," - this is the answer "Schodennyk" now received to a request for confirmation and to the question of whether there were purchases of such combat aircraft from the countries in 2022 Alliance and if so, how many and to which countries. "I don't have such information, sorry, I'm hearing from you for the first time," said Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Mykola Milkov in response to a request to comment on the situation during a briefing with Hungary's first diplomat Peter Szijarto.


 The Oryx website mentions 14 Su-25 aircraft "purchased by Bulgaria from NATO member states and delivered to Ukraine." April 2022 is indicated as the time of the agreement. The Su-25 was handed over by another Balkan country, and in August by North Macedonia.


 Bulgaria, according to the same publication, purchased an undisclosed number of D-20 152mm howitzers (April 2022), BM-21 Grad rocket launchers (May or June 2022), also from the Czech Republic, and unknown number of T-72M1 tanks in May or June.