Belarus is massively equipping the border with Ukraine with Russian electronic warfare equipment

Belarus is massively equipping the border with Ukraine with Russian electronic warfare equipment

The Border Forces of Belarus have purchased and started installing new generation surveillance systems, such as Murom-P and Murom M, and installed electronic warfare (EW). This was reported by the National Resistance Center.

According to the information revealed by the local civil society, specialists from the Russian special services and representatives of companies that manufacture technical equipment arrived in the territory of the republic. The main purpose of this event is to prepare the Belarusian military to respond to the threat of drones.

It is also worth reminding that it is on the territory of the Republic of Belarus that the Wagnerians are being retrained and trained.

The Border Forces of Belarus have purchased and started installing new generation surveillance systems, such as Murom-P and Murom M, and installed electronic warfare (EW). This was reported by the National Resistance Center.

According to the information revealed by the local civil society, specialists from the Russian special services and representatives of companies that manufacture technical equipment arrived in the territory of the republic. The main purpose of this event is to prepare the Belarusian military to respond to the threat of drones.

It is also worth reminding that it is on the territory of the Republic of Belarus that the Wagnerians are being retrained and trained.