Head of Commissioners for Missing Persons plans to resign

Head of Commissioners for Missing Persons plans to resign

Oleg Kotenko, the Commissioner for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances, intends to resign as his duties will be transferred to other bodies. He announced this on Facebook.

At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 12, the powers of the Ombudsman were amended. The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War will now coordinate negotiations with Russia on the return of the bodies of missing servicemen.

The activities of search groups will now be coordinated by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take over the work with the register of missing persons.

Kotenko is currently on a business trip to the liberated territories of Donetsk region and plans to submit his resignation upon his return.

However, he noted that his team will continue to help the families of the missing as part of their public work, and Ukrainians can contact them as before.

Oleg Kotenko, the Commissioner for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances, intends to resign as his duties will be transferred to other bodies. He announced this on Facebook.

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At a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on September 12, the powers of the Ombudsman were amended. The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War will now coordinate negotiations with Russia on the return of the bodies of missing servicemen.

The activities of search groups will now be coordinated by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take over the work with the register of missing persons.

Kotenko is currently on a business trip to the liberated territories of Donetsk region and plans to submit his resignation upon his return.

However, he noted that his team will continue to help the families of the missing as part of their public work, and Ukrainians can contact them as before.