The United States can provide Russia with access to frozen assets in exchange for several conditions

The United States can provide Russia with access to frozen assets in exchange for several conditions

The bill, approved by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Lower House of the US Congress, provides for the possibility of Russia gaining partial access to its frozen foreign assets in exchange for paying Ukraine reparations and ending the invasion. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Justice Iryna Mudra in an interview with

"This draft law stipulates that these funds cannot be returned to Russia in any case until certain circumstances occur. And these circumstances are listed. This is the cessation of military aggression, full compensation for reparations, Russia's recognition of its obligation to pay reparations and participate in this compensation mechanism if it wants to, and there are a number of other grounds on which it is possible to release these funds from arrest or sanctions," Mudra said.

She noted that Ukraine will not sign a peace agreement with Russia without Moscow's obligation to pay reparations.

"If Russia thinks it will sign a peace agreement without reparations, it will not. Ukraine will never agree to this. And the world will not, because someone has to pay these reparations. If not Russia, then who?" she said.

The bill, approved by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Lower House of the US Congress, provides for the possibility of Russia gaining partial access to its frozen foreign assets in exchange for paying Ukraine reparations and ending the invasion. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Justice Iryna Mudra in an interview with

"This draft law stipulates that these funds cannot be returned to Russia in any case until certain circumstances occur. And these circumstances are listed. This is the cessation of military aggression, full compensation for reparations, Russia's recognition of its obligation to pay reparations and participate in this compensation mechanism if it wants to, and there are a number of other grounds on which it is possible to release these funds from arrest or sanctions," Mudra said.

She noted that Ukraine will not sign a peace agreement with Russia without Moscow's obligation to pay reparations.

"If Russia thinks it will sign a peace agreement without reparations, it will not. Ukraine will never agree to this. And the world will not, because someone has to pay these reparations. If not Russia, then who?" she said.