Ship with contraband sank near Greece: it was going to Ukraine

Ship with contraband sank near Greece: it was going to Ukraine

A cargo ship headed for Ukraine and possibly involved in smuggling sank off the coast of Greece, the Greek publication Kathimerini reports.

According to preliminary information from the Coast Guard, the cargo ship left Egypt and was heading to Istanbul with salt. However, the only surviving crew member said that the destination was actually Ukraine.

The sunken vessel was among the ten most "wanted" ships published in the international Shiparrested database. It had 65 serious violations and deficiencies, including with documents. The most serious violation concerned illegal entries in the Journal of Oil Operations. 

The cargo ship started having problems on Saturday, but the crew sent a distress signal only on Sunday, when the ship had almost sunk.

A cargo ship headed for Ukraine and possibly involved in smuggling sank off the coast of Greece, the Greek publication Kathimerini reports.

According to preliminary information from the Coast Guard, the cargo ship left Egypt and was heading to Istanbul with salt. However, the only surviving crew member said that the destination was actually Ukraine.

The sunken vessel was among the ten most "wanted" ships published in the international Shiparrested database. It had 65 serious violations and deficiencies, including with documents. The most serious violation concerned illegal entries in the Journal of Oil Operations. 

The cargo ship started having problems on Saturday, but the crew sent a distress signal only on Sunday, when the ship had almost sunk.