Border blockade: more than 3000 trucks are standing in queues

Border blockade: more than 3000 trucks are standing in queues

Polish carriers continue to block the border with Ukraine. More than three thousand trucks have accumulated in queues. This was announced by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon.

According to him, there are about 3,300 trucks waiting to leave for Ukraine in Poland. The largest queue has gathered in front of the Shehyni checkpoint - about 1,200 trucks, and 850 trucks in front of the Rava-Ruska checkpoint. The most difficult traffic is at Yahodyn and Rava Ruska checkpoints.

"If we talk about certain categories of cargo, they are moving. These are humanitarian goods and other important goods that Ukraine needs. But I cannot say that all of them have the opportunity to cross the border unhindered," said Demchenko.

He added that the Uhryniv-Dolhobychiv crossing point continues to work. Over the past day, about 100 empty trucks crossed from Ukraine to Poland through this checkpoint, and about 270 more trucks are waiting in line.

However, as Demchenko noted, the opening of another checkpoint for empty trucks did not ease the blockade of the border by Polish carriers.

Polish carriers continue to block the border with Ukraine. More than three thousand trucks have accumulated in queues. This was announced by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon.

According to him, there are about 3,300 trucks waiting to leave for Ukraine in Poland. The largest queue has gathered in front of the Shehyni checkpoint - about 1,200 trucks, and 850 trucks in front of the Rava-Ruska checkpoint. The most difficult traffic is at Yahodyn and Rava Ruska checkpoints.

"If we talk about certain categories of cargo, they are moving. These are humanitarian goods and other important goods that Ukraine needs. But I cannot say that all of them have the opportunity to cross the border unhindered," said Demchenko.

He added that the Uhryniv-Dolhobychiv crossing point continues to work. Over the past day, about 100 empty trucks crossed from Ukraine to Poland through this checkpoint, and about 270 more trucks are waiting in line.

However, as Demchenko noted, the opening of another checkpoint for empty trucks did not ease the blockade of the border by Polish carriers.