Parts from the USA and European countries were found in North Korean missiles that were fired at Ukraine

Parts from the USA and European countries were found in North Korean missiles that were fired at Ukraine

North Korea's missiles, which Russia has used several times to strike Ukraine, contain components made by American and European companies. This is stated in a report by Conflict Armament Research, according to CNN.

The British organization Conflict Armament Research (CAR) has studied 290 components of the North Korean ballistic missile debris found in Kharkiv in January.

According to the study, 75% of the components were developed and sold by companies registered in the United States. At the same time, another 16% of the components found in the missile were linked to companies registered in Europe and 9% to companies registered in Asia.

These components were mainly part of the missile's navigation system, which was manufactured in North Korea.

At the same time, the parts studied by the researchers were manufactured between 2021 and 2023. Based on these production dates, CAR claims that the missile "could not have been assembled before March 2023" and was already used by Russia against Ukraine in January.

"North Korea has established a robust procurement network capable of circumventing sanctions regimes that have been in place for nearly two decades," the report says.

CAR representatives told CNN that the organization will not disclose the names of the companies whose parts were found in the missile. This is due to the fact that there is no evidence of deliberate supply of components to North Korea.

North Korea's missiles, which Russia has used several times to strike Ukraine, contain components made by American and European companies. This is stated in a report by Conflict Armament Research, according to CNN.

The British organization Conflict Armament Research (CAR) has studied 290 components of the North Korean ballistic missile debris found in Kharkiv in January.

According to the study, 75% of the components were developed and sold by companies registered in the United States. At the same time, another 16% of the components found in the missile were linked to companies registered in Europe and 9% to companies registered in Asia.

These components were mainly part of the missile's navigation system, which was manufactured in North Korea.

At the same time, the parts studied by the researchers were manufactured between 2021 and 2023. Based on these production dates, CAR claims that the missile "could not have been assembled before March 2023" and was already used by Russia against Ukraine in January.

"North Korea has established a robust procurement network capable of circumventing sanctions regimes that have been in place for nearly two decades," the report says.

CAR representatives told CNN that the organization will not disclose the names of the companies whose parts were found in the missile. This is due to the fact that there is no evidence of deliberate supply of components to North Korea.