Polish Foreign Ministry reacted to anti-Ukrainian slogans at farmers' protests

Polish Foreign Ministry reacted to anti-Ukrainian slogans at farmers' protests

The appearance of anti-Ukrainian slogans at the farmers' protests harms Poland's interests, compromises the strike organizers, and may indicate attempts by radicals who may be under the influence of Russia to establish control over the protest. This is stated in a statement by the Polish Foreign Ministry.

As noted, the Polish Foreign Ministry was "extremely concerned" about" the appearance of anti-Ukrainian slogans and slogans glorifying Putin and the war he is waging (against Ukraine - ed.) during the recent farmers' protests.

As noted, such actions "put in a bad light" Poland, which was the first to help the attacked Ukraine, and the Poles who accepted Ukrainian refugees."

"It is important that they also discredit the protest organizers themselves. We believe that this is an attempt to hijack the farmers' protest movement by extreme and irresponsible groups that may be under the influence of Russian agents," the Polish Foreign Ministry emphasizes.

The ministry called on the organizers of the protests "for the sake of the country's interests and the chances of realizing their demands, which are largely reasonable, to identify and remove from their movement the few initiators of such and similar actions."

The appearance of anti-Ukrainian slogans at the farmers' protests harms Poland's interests, compromises the strike organizers, and may indicate attempts by radicals who may be under the influence of Russia to establish control over the protest. This is stated in a statement by the Polish Foreign Ministry.

As noted, the Polish Foreign Ministry was "extremely concerned" about" the appearance of anti-Ukrainian slogans and slogans glorifying Putin and the war he is waging (against Ukraine - ed.) during the recent farmers' protests.

As noted, such actions "put in a bad light" Poland, which was the first to help the attacked Ukraine, and the Poles who accepted Ukrainian refugees."

"It is important that they also discredit the protest organizers themselves. We believe that this is an attempt to hijack the farmers' protest movement by extreme and irresponsible groups that may be under the influence of Russian agents," the Polish Foreign Ministry emphasizes.

The ministry called on the organizers of the protests "for the sake of the country's interests and the chances of realizing their demands, which are largely reasonable, to identify and remove from their movement the few initiators of such and similar actions."