This year Russia wants to produce 2.7 million rounds of ammunition - GUR

This year Russia wants to produce 2.7 million rounds of ammunition - GUR

This year, Russia wants to reach the level of ammunition production of 2.7 million units. Last year, the Russian Federation was able to produce 2 million rounds of 122-mm and 152-mm ammunition, and this was only a state defense order. This was stated by Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

According to intelligence, the Russians have plans to increase production. In February, it was planned to produce 130 missiles of the Iskander, Kalibr, X-101, X-32, and Kinzhal class.

The Russians are trying to fulfill the plans despite the restrictions on components due to sanctions. According to the GUR, a center has been set up in Russia to replace foreign components, especially electronic bases, with Russian-made components.

"They are worse in quality, not as perfect, but they allow the production of weapons," Skibitskyi said.

Recently, the Russians have been using "calibers" much less, although, according to intelligence, they are producing them and "the plan is quite large." But Russia needs to replenish its strategic stockpile, including ships and submarines.

From the wreckage in Ukraine, it was determined that the Russians are now using missiles manufactured in the fourth quarter of 2023, practically off the assembly line.

"But we also see that the missiles no longer meet the declared characteristics. That is, the quality is getting much worse," Skibitskyi said.

According to the GUR, the Russians also received 1.5 million rounds of ammunition from the 1970s and 1980s from the DPRK. Despite the fact that half of them do not work and the rest need to be restored/checked, these ballistic missiles carry a charge of more than half a ton and can cause great destruction.

Meanwhile, the Russians have already taken all the ammunition out of Belarus. According to intelligence, there is "nothing to take" from there now.

Last year, Russia was able to produce 2 million rounds of ammunition, and this year it wants to reach 2.7 million rounds. However, the GUR notes that these are only plans.

"We will see if they will be implemented. This requires, first of all, modernization of production, decommissioning or creation of new lines. That is why we ask our partners that sanctions should be aimed at machines, materials used to make electronic chips, microcircuits, etc.", said Skibitskyi.

This year, Russia wants to reach the level of ammunition production of 2.7 million units. Last year, the Russian Federation was able to produce 2 million rounds of 122-mm and 152-mm ammunition, and this was only a state defense order. This was stated by Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

According to intelligence, the Russians have plans to increase production. In February, it was planned to produce 130 missiles of the Iskander, Kalibr, X-101, X-32, and Kinzhal class.

The Russians are trying to fulfill the plans despite the restrictions on components due to sanctions. According to the GUR, a center has been set up in Russia to replace foreign components, especially electronic bases, with Russian-made components.

"They are worse in quality, not as perfect, but they allow the production of weapons," Skibitskyi said.

Recently, the Russians have been using "calibers" much less, although, according to intelligence, they are producing them and "the plan is quite large." But Russia needs to replenish its strategic stockpile, including ships and submarines.

From the wreckage in Ukraine, it was determined that the Russians are now using missiles manufactured in the fourth quarter of 2023, practically off the assembly line.

"But we also see that the missiles no longer meet the declared characteristics. That is, the quality is getting much worse," Skibitskyi said.

According to the GUR, the Russians also received 1.5 million rounds of ammunition from the 1970s and 1980s from the DPRK. Despite the fact that half of them do not work and the rest need to be restored/checked, these ballistic missiles carry a charge of more than half a ton and can cause great destruction.

Meanwhile, the Russians have already taken all the ammunition out of Belarus. According to intelligence, there is "nothing to take" from there now.

Last year, Russia was able to produce 2 million rounds of ammunition, and this year it wants to reach 2.7 million rounds. However, the GUR notes that these are only plans.

"We will see if they will be implemented. This requires, first of all, modernization of production, decommissioning or creation of new lines. That is why we ask our partners that sanctions should be aimed at machines, materials used to make electronic chips, microcircuits, etc.", said Skibitskyi.