Restoration of Zmiivska and Trypilska TPPs: the government has allocated UAH 1.5 billion

Restoration of Zmiivska and Trypilska TPPs: the government has allocated UAH 1.5 billion

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal says that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to allocate UAH 1.5 billion to restore the Zmiivska thermal power plant in Kharkiv region and the Trypilska thermal power plant in Kyiv region. 



At a government meeting on Friday, Shmyhal said that UAH 726 million would be allocated to the state-owned Centrenergo, which owns Zmiivska TPP and Trypilska TPP.

These funds will be provided from the state budget reserve fund to restore the power plants.

Additionally, the Cabinet of Ministers will provide another UAH 826 million from the fund for the elimination of the consequences of aggression to restore these critical facilities.

Shmyhal emphasized that he expects the most efficient use of these funds and quick completion of the repair work.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal says that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to allocate UAH 1.5 billion to restore the Zmiivska thermal power plant in Kharkiv region and the Trypilska thermal power plant in Kyiv region. 


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At a government meeting on Friday, Shmyhal said that UAH 726 million would be allocated to the state-owned Centrenergo, which owns Zmiivska TPP and Trypilska TPP.

These funds will be provided from the state budget reserve fund to restore the power plants.

Additionally, the Cabinet of Ministers will provide another UAH 826 million from the fund for the elimination of the consequences of aggression to restore these critical facilities.

Shmyhal emphasized that he expects the most efficient use of these funds and quick completion of the repair work.