URGENT! "Close the sky over Ukraine! - Vladimir Zelensky addressed the world community

URGENT! "Close the sky over Ukraine! - Vladimir Zelensky addressed the world community

"Close the sky over Ukraine! For all those terrorists. Make a humanitarian zone! We are human beings! And it's your responsibility to protect people! And you can do it! If you don't do it and don't provide us with at least airplanes so that we can defend ourselves - one conclusion can be made that you also want us to be slowly killed".


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to the international community in connection with the beginning of the bombing of Vinnitsa - eight missiles were fired at the city.


"Close the sky over Ukraine! For all those terrorists. Make a humanitarian zone! We are human beings! And it's your responsibility to protect people! And you can do it! If you don't do it and don't provide us with at least airplanes so that we can defend ourselves - one conclusion can be made that you also want us to be slowly killed".


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to the international community in connection with the beginning of the bombing of Vinnitsa - eight missiles were fired at the city.


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