Alexei Navalny is buried at the Borisov Cemetery in Moscow

Alexei Navalny is buried at the Borisov Cemetery in Moscow

In Moscow, opposition leader Alexei Navalny was buried at the Borisov Cemetery. The funeral service at the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Comfort My Sorrows" in Maryino was quick.

Quite a lot of people came to say goodbye to him, and a long line formed on the Bratievsky Bridge on the way to the cemetery. People applauded and chanted: "Glory to the heroes!"



Telegram channels published footage of Navalny's body in a coffin and his mother's farewell to him.



Since Navalny considered "Terminator 2" to be the best movie on earth, music from the final scene was played at his funeral. The coffin was lowered into the grave to the song "My Way" by Frank Sinatra.

The ambassadors of Germany, the USA, France, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, and the deputy ambassador of Great Britain came to the funeral.



Yulia Navalnaya published a post with farewell words to her husband.

"Lyosha, thank you for 26 years of absolute happiness," the message reads.

It is worth noting that she did not attend the funeral, nor did Navalny's children.

In Moscow, opposition leader Alexei Navalny was buried at the Borisov Cemetery. The funeral service at the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Comfort My Sorrows" in Maryino was quick.

Quite a lot of people came to say goodbye to him, and a long line formed on the Bratievsky Bridge on the way to the cemetery. People applauded and chanted: "Glory to the heroes!"


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<script async src="" data-telegram-post="sotaproject/75713" data-width="100%"></script>


Telegram channels published footage of Navalny's body in a coffin and his mother's farewell to him.


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Since Navalny considered "Terminator 2" to be the best movie on earth, music from the final scene was played at his funeral. The coffin was lowered into the grave to the song "My Way" by Frank Sinatra.

The ambassadors of Germany, the USA, France, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, and the deputy ambassador of Great Britain came to the funeral.


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Yulia Navalnaya published a post with farewell words to her husband.

"Lyosha, thank you for 26 years of absolute happiness," the message reads.

It is worth noting that she did not attend the funeral, nor did Navalny's children.