A new case of death: a body was found in the Tisza River on the border with Romania

A new case of death: a body was found in the Tisza River on the border with Romania

A new body of a person who tried to illegally cross the border with Romania was found in the Tisza River in Zakarpattia. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.



According to the State Border Guard Service, the body was found in the Tisza River just 10 meters from the Romanian shore. The incident occurred under a railroad bridge located between the settlements of Hrushovo (Ukraine) and Câmpulung la Tisa (Romania). Romanian border guards were informed about the found body.

This is already the eighth case since the beginning of May when a person tried to cross the river, but died.

A new body of a person who tried to illegally cross the border with Romania was found in the Tisza River in Zakarpattia. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.


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According to the State Border Guard Service, the body was found in the Tisza River just 10 meters from the Romanian shore. The incident occurred under a railroad bridge located between the settlements of Hrushovo (Ukraine) and Câmpulung la Tisa (Romania). Romanian border guards were informed about the found body.

This is already the eighth case since the beginning of May when a person tried to cross the river, but died.